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Why integrate the smart home into your daily life?

#The press is talking about us..

In this month of July, we decided to share with Spuerkess, the bank that supports you in your daily life in Luxembourg, to discover the company Smart Cube and to explain to you, why it is necessary to integrate the smart house in your daily life?

Smart Cube is a technology integrator that supports you in the digitalization of your buildings. If you want to know more about the subject, please read our article or contact us via our page contact.

Lire l’article du 21/07/21

Why integrate the smart home into your daily life?
Article written by Noelly Cristovao
"The pandemic has restructured and changed our habits and the way we live and work. With COVID-19, our homes have become more important than ever.

We were forced to spend all of our time there, working from home and all of our free time. The home office has become a mainstay, making the home one of the new locations for businesses requiring more resources for individuals who are looking for comfort and well-being, as it was the case before the pandemic."Retrouvez l’intégralité de l’article