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Existing building & renovation

Transform your conventional, existing buildings into Smart Buildings.

The SmartCube solution offers new standards in terms of simplicity and functionalities. Oriented towards the future without any cable, affordable regardless of the budget and extremely sure, every house, apartment or building can be upgraded to a SmartHome..

You can integrate all the functionalities you like
Whether it consists of managing blinds, lights, of centralised or logical functions, we adjust your house to your needs, and ideal for renovation and modernization.

Flexible and evolving solutions adaptable to all your needs
Conventional switches become cleverer thanks to one easy configuration which does not require any wire. Specific functions or scenarios can be attributed to switches via different command modes. Configurable scenarios allow you to convey a certain atmosphere thanks to blinds’ positioning and lights’ dimming.

One simple, fast intervention, without damaging or breaking anything
- Installing new wires, changing the electrical cabinet, or computing technology is useless
- Fast and easy installation

Significant advantages:
- Revolutionary simplicity security and wireless communication
- Super-fast secure communications, with additional encryption with precise time stamping via Bluetooth
- Flexibility and energy saving
- Upgrading is possible at any time. No wires, no radio transmission.
- 100% made in Germany quality. VDE Homologation.

Discover Smartcube Configurator

Lights’ management

Simply launch the application to turn on, off or dim the intensity of your lights. You can also select a mood scenario with one simple gesture or vocal command. You can even turn your lights on and off when you are out of town! IF a switch is more practical than a mobile phone, you can always use it the traditional way. Lights can be controlled remotely.

Heating management

The application allows you to regulate the temperature in each room, to offer pleasant warmth and convey a cosy, well-being atmosphere. You do not need to regulate manually heaters when you leave your house. You setup an hour at which the temperature will automatically be lowered, the system takes care of the rest.

Blinds management

You can program your blinds to go automatically upwards when the sun rises, so you can wake-up with daylight. Setup an hour when you need privacy, and the system will operate the blinds for you consequently. Or you can leave setting up the system, and just synchronize your blinds to local times of sunrise and sunset. If a storm happens during your absence, you can close your blinds from afar via the application to protect your windows.

Energy management

This system allows you to monitor and optimize your electricity consumption. You can easily obtain an overview of your consumption via your mobile phone, discover which devices consume most of the energy, and achieve greater savings.


To be well-informed, it’s always good to have sensors keeping an eye on your house and warn you via our application if something is wrong.

Install the water sensor in the kitchen or your bathroom to detect any leak at the first signs. Windows and doors sensors assure you that they are correctly closed and locked.

Furthermore, movements’ sensors help to automatically adjust lights and heat in the room you are in. With these sensors, your house can control certain functions without any required intervention from your part.

The Controller

The Controller is the “supervisor” which combines and controls every functions and grants you remote access.

As a central interface, every information collected converge to the controller and are at your disposal under the form of compacted data. These data can be visualized from anywhere or via the application – and if necessary, all functions can be controlled from afar.

The touch screen allows the control of individual functions – lights, heater, blinds, and energy management – from anywhere. Thus, you always have full control even if your mobile phone, or touch pad, is not around.